Click on one of my novels and read the first chapter!
Billy Jones has a grandma who’s loopy, a school bully who wants to thump him, and a mean teacher who insists he’ll have to do the school’s country dancing display dressed as a girl!
On his tenth birthday he’s woken at midnight by a group of weird goblins who tell him he’s now their king, and they want him to lead them into war with the Nargs. You know it’s going to get crazier by the minute…
A school visit to London Zoo causes Kazy Adams to swap the rough streets of London for a new world of magic, adventure and danger.
And in Old Winsome’s Academy, there’s an ancient mystery to solve: the disappearance of nine pupils during the Headship of the Masterdragon Tharg, at the time of the Goblin Wars.
The only book in the world with a fairy who conducts anti-bully warfare using beetles, a snowman who talks in riddles, a school assembly taken by a talking bear, a little sister who starts a pirate mutiny at school and a boy who turns into a bird after Christmas lunch!
A book packed with poems and riddled with riddles. A book that’s serious about bullying… but crazy about everything else!
Three children from an orphanage fall up a tree and find themselves in a different land inhabited by large, furry animals called Muselings.
But should they trust the Muselings, or the kindly, beautiful Queen of this odd world?
When fifteen year old orphan Jack Hampton pays a final visit to Captain Jones in prison, he doesn’t expect to spend the next few months aboard the Firebird with a crew of rugged pirates, the fearsome, mysterious Madame Helena and a manuscript full of puzzling clues. An exciting tale of pirates, treasure, treachery and adventure: all somehow tangled up with the loss of the Curchan Ruby and an unusual board game, the Game of Pirate.
It’s 1845, in rural Hampshire. Recently orphaned 13-year-old Matilda Harris runs away from her bullying aunt, only to be captured by:
… an eccentric, well-spoken highwayman
… his gang Lump, Stump, Pirate and Scarecrow
… and two young “brats” who have escaped from the notorious Andover Workhouse.
There’s a mad scientist who wants to destroy all the cats in England, and nobody can stop her – except Nicklus and Marlowe.
Nicklus is a nine year old boy who hardly talks at all. Marlowe is a talking cat, the “coolest cat in England”. Together they set out on an adventure to find Nicklus’ missing mother and save the cats
Life is exciting for a baby: everything is so new! And it’s even more exciting when you’re a SUPER baby with powers nobody knows about. But how do you keep your parents from finding out that you can walk, talk, read their books, FLY? Will your parents mind that your best friends are a cat, a mouse, a rat, a crow, a brick and an empty cereal box?
And since you’re still a baby, you don’t know it’s wrong to start a ketchup fight in the supermarket, dye Grandma’s hair green, borrow Santa’s sleigh, play tricks on the babysitter, shoot burglars with water pistols and use your nappy as a loaded weapon…
The second adventure of Akayzia Adams and her friends starts with one mirror and ends with another. In between, there are three worlds of magic, a squadron of werewitches, a fistful of trolls, and one annoying little lizard with a taste for chocolate.
And in the Academy, there are thousands of spiders… though some of them are not really spiders at all.
In this book you’ll find:
A Unicorn who is very annoyed to find himself stuck in a zoo, and is playing tricks on the visitors while plotting his escape…
A Princess who is planning to ride the Unicorn on her tenth birthday and wants to escape too: from her bossy Governess, her guards, her tutor – and from mathematics…
A scruffy Boy who looks after the Unicorn and is cheeky to pretty much everyone, but especially to the Princess.